Java Scripting Fundamentals



Five days of hands-on training (9am - 4pm) - $2,300.00 - Enroll Now!

JavaScript is a simple, yet powerful programming language that adds interactivity to otherwise static Web pages. You can use JavaScript to validate data, such as credit card information, in HTML forms; create dynamic pull-down menus; run animated slideshows; and display attention-getting rotating banners. JavaScript is also favored by web professionals for tracking Web pages using Google Analytics, and for creating Paypal merchant services.

Class Topics include:

• Write program instructions that work with variables, numbers and text
• Add comments to your code
• Gather input from a user and output a response
• Create simple dialog boxes that prompt the user
• Define a variable in your program
• Assign a value to your variable
• Add a name, address, or any text to a string variable
• Store numeric values in variables and perform computations
• Create variables that store either "true" or "false" values
• Compare two values and decide if a condition is true
• Execute one or more instructions if a condition is true
• Apply an alternate set of instructions if the condition is not true
• Create a program loop
• Repeat an operation over a set of values iteratively
• Set a counter to track how many times your loop has run
• Group instructions that perform a single task into a function
• Call your function and pass it one or more variables
• Return a value to your program after your function runs
• Create an object
• Define methods that control the behavior of your object
• Declare properties that describe an attribute, such as color or font style
• Call an object using a method you created
• Create "Dynamic HTML" using a combination of JavaScript and HTML
• Use a common naming convention to Create IDs and Names for your HTML tags and CSS  properties
• Write JavaScript to access specific tags, such as DIV and FORM, using their ID attributes
• Modify CSS properties to create dynamic effects
• Embed JavaScript within HTML events
• Set a page title when your Web page loads
• Change the appearance of a menu item when the user mouses over a link
• Present a popup Alert dialog when the user clicks on a web page item, such as a button
• Traverse elements and browser objects in a document tree (object hierarchy)
• Use the DOM to get HTML elements by their ID or name
• Specify an element by its position in the document tree
• Ensure that a form is completely filled out
• Verify a password, display an error alert if the password is incorrect, and give the user the opportunity    to correct their input
• Validate text and number fields
• Detect a specific browser type and customize your presentation for that browser
• Determine whether a browser supports a specific feature
• Create standards-based scripts that produce the same results in any browser


For Class Dates Call (818) 794-7125 or Email Us Here